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Summer Produce
Bringing it In
In the middle of the month of July, the farm stand is opened for retail sales of our produce. You can find the tastiest sweet corn, tomatoes, green beans, eggplant and peppers picked daily for the greatest taste. We are open every day of the week during the summer to ensure you get the freshest vegetables right when you need them. Check back for up to date schedules and availability.

Fall Festivities
Come fall time, the farm comes alive with holiday decorations grown on site. Pumpkins, gourds, cornstalks and mums are available in many different varieties to make sure we get you what you need for decorating in Autumn.
The Famous Corn Maze
Treat Farm has been creating unique corn mazes each year that bring out the kid in all of us. A visit after Labor Day isn't complete until you tackle our 5 acre maze. You can make it even more challenging if you would like by trying one of our nightime flashlight mazes. It's also a great time for group activities, and we host many scouting, church and school groups for fun and educational eperiences.

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